Welcome to Best. Morning. Ever.
Every time I compose a new post it will be your best morning ever when you wake up, get your coffee or cola and sit down to read my ideas represented in the form of mostly English words. A morning reading my blog is like a day in the corps. Every meal is a banquet and every paycheck a fortune. Hoo-rah!
This is my new blog where I rave, rant, and rouse while being raw and raucous. This is not the family friendly words that you might generally be appropriate for my travel blog or on the ArmzRace blog. Nope. This is me mean, wicked, pissed, happy, sad, ecstatic, and anything else I might be feeling and thinking. This is where I cultivate my sardonic future-cult followed writer personality as seen on the internet.
This will be basic day-to-day updates on my life as well. Where am I? What's going on in my life? Find those answers here.
The best way for you to keep up with my postings on the various blogs I write and contribute to would be to register and use Google Reader, which is an RSS feed reader. You don't need to know what the hell this means to use it though. I've typed "Google Reader" as a hyperlink to get you started. If you already have a Gmail account, you'll already have a feed reader account. There are other readers available, such as one through Yahoo! mail.
Basically, an RSS feed reader allows users to feed updates from various web sources onto a single page. Let's say you enjoy skimming through six different blogs a week, but sometimes forget one or another. Now you'll be able to see all updates on a single page by using one of these readers.
How do you know when you can add a page to your RSS feed reader? Simply look for something like this and figure it out from there:
best.line.ever. in the best.morning.ever. must be this:
"This is where I cultivate my sardonic future-cult followed writer personality as seen on the internet."
as if you aren't a walking cult of personality in all your other net-carnations...
WONDERFUL! - i'm stoked you're doing this. i can't wait to read the next one... and yes, i mean that sincerely. a blog is not the place to be smarmy - well, at least not this one...
post.more. my.mornings.could.get.better....
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